Friday, February 11, 2011

Montana and Medical Marijuana

Scrolling through some of the provided links for this assignment, I came across an interesting piece of news. In the state of Montana, the position of power by both parties have recently shifted from that of a 50-50 tie in the house to a 68-32 Republican lead. Having this recent shift in power has caused a shift in the state's attitude toward the legalization of medical marijuana.
Now, with a large number of Republicans in the house, lawmakers are trying to repeal the 2004 vote (which was approved by 62 percent of voters) and make legalized marijuana a thing in the past, arguing that the line between the medical use and the recreational use of marijuana is being stretched more and more as time progresses.
This article was a great read. Throughout, the state of Montana is compared to that of California as well as Colorado, this was interesting to see how different parts of the country have very different politics...especially when it comes to something as big as marijuana legalization.

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